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May Day 2023: Join Forces in the Struggle against Bosses and Great Powers!

Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 25 April 2023,

On the occasion of May Day 2023, we send greetings to all militants fighting against capitalist exploitation and imperialist oppression! The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) calls socialists around the globe to join forces on the basis of a platform on the most burning issues which the workers and oppressed face in the current world situation.

International solidarity with the Ukraine’s war of national defence! Victory to Ukraine against imperialist Russia! Socialists need to side unambiguously with the legitimate struggle of the Ukrainian people against Putin’s invasion. While we call for material (including military) aid for the Ukraine, we reject any political support for the bourgeois and pro-NATO Zelensky government. Furthermore, socialists must combine their support for the Ukraine’s legitimate war with intransigent opposition against Western imperialism and against all forms of chauvinist Great Power policy (e.g. economic sanctions).

Down with all imperialist Great Powers in East and West! Socialists can not develop a correct orientation in the current world situation without understanding the inter-imperialist rivalry between the Great Powers as a key

feature of the current historic period. Such an approach necessitates the recognition of China and Russia – in addition to the U.S., Western Europe and Japan – as imperialist powers. In conflicts between such Great Powers,

socialists have to take an internationalist and anti-imperialist position of revolutionary defeatism in the tradition of Lenin and the Bolsheviks against each and every of these powers. At the same time, they need to support the

struggle of oppressed nations against any of these Great Powers (e.g. the Chechens in Russia, the Uyghurs in China, in North and Central Africa against France, in Syria against Russia and the U.S.)

Long live the Palestinian Intifada! Down with the Zionist Apartheid state! We send our greetings to the heroic people of Palestine who are resisting against the Zionist butchers! In any confrontation with the Israeli state, the RCIT and its comrades in Occupied Palestine stand for the military victory of the Palestinian people and its resistance organizations and for the defeat of the Zionist enemy! Down with the Israeli Apartheid state – for a Free and Red Palestine from the River to the Sea!

Solidarity with the mass protests in Iran! We reiterate our support for the workers and popular masses in Iran who started an uprising in September 2022 after the murder of sister Mahsa Amini by the police. We oppose all forms of women’s oppression! Likewise, socialists support the right of national self-determination of the Kurdish people. Down with the capitalist-theocratic Mullah regime! However, in case of a confrontation between Iran (or its allies like Hezbollah in Lebanon) and Israel respectively the U.S., we will advocate the military victory of the former and the defeat of the imperialists!

Down with the reactionary Macron administration! Support the workers struggle against the pension reform! Socialists support those sectors of the workers vanguard who criticise the reluctant tactics of the reformist

bureaucracy in the CGT, NUPES, etc. and who advocate an indefinite general strike against the government. Such a perspective requires the formation of independent action committees in workplaces and neighbourhoods which should be linked by delegates-based regional and national coordination councils. Such bodies can help to put pressure on the bureaucracy and to organise the struggle independent of the traitorous leaders. Socialists must argue for the end of the separation of political and economic struggle, which is weakening the mass


For a socialist Latin America, independent of all imperialist powers! We call militants in Latin America to unite in the struggle against the bosses and Great Powers! The workers and popular masses need to fight against austerity policy – irrespective if such is imposed by conservative or by “pink” populist governments. Likewise, we oppose the domination of the continent by any Great Power – the U.S., Western Europe, China or Russia! The only way forward is a continent which is not subjugated by foreign monopolies and powers, but which is

ruled by the workers and popular masses, i.e. a socialist federation of workers and peasants republics!

Against reactionary regimes and Great Power policy in Sub-Sahara Africa! Socialists support popular resistance against reactionary regimes in Sub-Sahara Africa. In Sudan, where a proto-civil war between two Generals – al-Burhan and Hemedti – has started, socialists oppose both camps. We call for the consolidation and arming of mass organisations like the trade unions, the Resistance Committees based in neighborhoods, etc. The latest developments confirm our warning against putting any hopes in negotiations with the military! For a Revolutionary Constituent Assembly! For a workers and poor peasants’ government, based on popular councils and militias!

Down with the military provocation of the U.S. and the Yoon government on the Korean Peninsula! Socialists strongly oppose the armament and repeated military drills of the U.S. and the South Korean army which are directed against North Korea. We have no political sympathies whatsoever for the Stalinist-capitalist dictatorship of Kim Jong-un! However, in any military confrontation we defend North Korea – a capitalist semi-colony – against imperialist aggression by the U.S. and South Korea.

The struggle against the bosses and Great Powers can only be successful if the working class organizes for the overthrow of the capitalist system by means of socialist revolution. In the current period of capitalist decay – full of crisis and catastrophes – the only way to avoid regression into barbarism is the international struggle for a global federation of workers and peasant republics. The RCIT calls all those who share such a program to unite and to jointly build with us a Revolutionary World Party!

International Bureau of the RCIT

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